Call for Abstracts
Call for Abstracts
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Call for Abstracts

The Society for Analytical Feminism invites submissions of abstracts of papers (with bibliographies) or proposals for a session at the 2021 Eastern, Central, and Pacific Division APA meetings from January 5 - 8, 2022 in Montreal, Quebec TBD; February 23 - 26, 2022, in Chicago, Illinois; and April 13 - April 16, 2022 in
Vancouver, British Columbia respectively.

The Society seeks abstracts of works that examine feminist issues by methods broadly construed as analytic, or that discuss the use of analytic philosophical methods as applied to feminist issues. We encourage creative, complex engagements with these questions that engaged historically marginalized voices, methods, or viewpoints.
  • Please submit 500 word abstracts for papers of a length appropriate to a 20-minute presentation time.
  • Your abstract should include a bibliography (which does not count towards the word count).
  • Please delete self identifying references from your abstract to ensure anonymity.
  • If you are proposing an author-meets-critics session, involving multiple people, we welcome that information but expect an abstract-length proposal indicating that the author has confirmed to you their intention to participate, as well as indication of the relevance of the book/author to a SAF session, such as the themes to be discussed.

Deadline for all submissions is August 15. Please answer the questions below and upload your essay using the included tool.


Tell us about your conference preferences.

(You may submit one paper to multiple conferences, but you will only be admitted to one. If you'd like to submit a separate paper submit this entire form again.)

If you have selected multiple conferences for your submission, please prioritize the conferences in order of the one you'd most like to attend ("First") to the one you'd least like to attend ("Third"). If you are not submitting to that conference, select "NA".

Please answer these additional questions about your participation in the conference.

(Microphones and projectors will be rented from the facility on request. Please consider accessibility as you make these decisions.)

(This is available to eligible graduate students and underfunded scholars.)

Use the note box to explain if you have different preferences for different conferences.

As we still find ourselves in uncertain times because of COVID-19, we'd like to take into consideration the concerns and safety of our presenters. Please answer the following questions regarding preferences and capacity for IN-PERSON and/or REMOTE meeting.

Submit your abstract or proposal.

(Please be sure to submit an extended abstract and answer the following question if you are submitting a panel.)

(Please also explicitly confirm the ability of the other participants to attend the APA Conference(s).)

no file selected

(Please delete all self-identifying references from your abstract to ensure anonymity.)
